New Homes within the Metropolitan Green Belt

Project Specifics

New Housing

The site lies within a semi-rural area designated as the Metropolitan Green Belt, and it once had large brick storage buildings on it. Pre 1950s the original site was used for growing, harvesting and drying herbs and grain.

Working with the council we managed to secure permission to demolish the existing buildings and replace them with 5 very modern dwellings. There are three, four-bedroom dwellings on the site and two five-bedroom dwellings. The cottage-style properties each have great modern living accommodations with open plan kitchens, living and dining areas, as well as good-sized bedrooms and high-quality bathrooms.  The scheme designed by our experienced team of architects is to be both sympathetic to the area in form and appearance and to be an attractive neighbour to the existing dwellings around the site.  The dwellings have different elevations with slightly different roof styles to make each one unique. A mixture of materials was used to enhance the character of the site.

Our proposal has constituted a limited redevelopment of a previously developed site without creating any significant harm to the Green Belt or greater impact and is compatible with the National Framework’s description of appropriate Green Belt Development of a brownfield site.  MP Architects LLP is proud to have helped our client with this successful development from Planning through to Construction.

Why not give us a call to discuss your next development and see how we can help you to truly maximise your next opportunity?

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