Make Working from Home Work for You

2023-06-13 12:07:25

Millions of people have been forced to work from home since the coronavirus outbreak in what could be described as the biggest remote working experiment in history. 

It is without a doubt that working from home can have a positive effect on both your work and life balance and in a ‘post-crisis’ world you may want to continue this way of living.

Studies have proved that the most common benefit of home working is the elimination of the unrelenting commute. By not travelling to work you can save time and money all whilst having a positive impact on the environment. 

As well as making far better business sense, the extra time may also provide you with opportunities to see your family, exercise, cook healthier meals, complete household chores or simply just catch up on an extra hour of sleep.

The technology capability to support valuable working from home is solid and available, however, you do need to be in the right ‘zone’ to be happy and productive. Slouching on the sofa with a laptop or hunched over the kitchen table is far from an ideal work environment. 

By creating a separate office environment you can retain a professional and productive workspace whilst ensuring privacy and less opportunity to be distracted.

Have you considered setting up a home office as a separate structure from your home? This will create a clear distinction between home and work life, especially if your work demands a quiet space away from family life and a barking dog!

Could it be a possibility that you may need to invite colleagues or clients to your home office in the future?  A light and airy garden office, stylish garage conversion, or beautiful home extension could be the perfect place to create the professional arena you may need. 

MP Architects can support you with identifying the best position to situate your home office and create the perfect professional working environment that will retain your privacy and increase productivity.  Also, where necessary we will obtain quick and simple planning permission if your outbuilding falls outside the boundaries of permitted development.

We are here to help you to commit and define this new way of working life. Your new home office will help you focus and increase efficiency, whilst also giving you the opportunity for mid-morning coffee breaks with your partner, walking the dog at lunchtime, or just clocking off at 5 p.m. to relax in the evening sunshine with a delicious G&T.

Author: Jessica Parkes. Read more articles for MP Architects LLP

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