Who Are We?
MP Chartered Architects was founded in 1985 by Martyn Pattie – R.I.B.A Dip. Arch (Oxford) – as Martyn Pattie Architects and Designers. His vision was to provide architectural services that always put the client at the heart of their project and successfully bought their visions to life by the fusion of practical and solid design principals with imagination, creativity and attention to detail.
This ‘vision’ continues to drive our practice forward today, and we believe we deliver it exceptionally well. We have firmly established an enviable reputation for delivering high-quality architectural design for residential and commercial projects and for providing excellent client service coupled with flair and imagination. Visit our testimonials page.
Continued demand for our service has meant that our practice has steadily expanded and working with Martyn are a team of skilled, motivated architectural staff who individually are very well qualified and collectively can offer a wide and diverse range of experience and expertise. Consequently, you will benefit from having access to the team’s broad pool of up to date knowledge of the building industry, design trends, creative flair and imaginative problem-solving. Despite our growth, our original ethos remains, and we always strive to provide a personal and supportive service. All our team are committed to providing the best possible experience for our clients.
Architectural EXPERTS in technology,
techniques and legislation
We keep up to date with industry techniques, technology and legislation. Our architectural team regularly attend courses and seminars. Our investment in up to the minute design software such as Revit, AutoCad, SketchUp and Adobe software means you can make informed decisions right from the start of your project. We can include 3D sketches of your new house design with your plans to help you visualise the project. Should you require, you can commission 3D Modelling and Visualisation of your proposed design, this will fill out the finer details including proposed materials and interior design.
Access to any of these options will help you determine the viability of your project, fine-tune the design and give you the reassurance you need to proceed with confidence before making a further significant financial commitment.
Quality Assurance
Using a RIBA and ARB registered architect will bring you value for money and you will receive a service that extends well beyond producing a set of plans. Our professional attention to detail will add value to your project; we look to make efficient use of space, use carefully selected materials and finishes that will enhance the design and add extra value to your project, and pay attention to energy efficiency, low running and maintenance costs.
We are one of the best Brentwood architects and are proud of the quality and variety of our projects and high standard of client service. Please take a moment to view examples of our house extensions, new build houses and commercial projects by visiting our portfolio page.
Our professional bodies
assuring our service to you

A RIBA Chartered Practice
the mark of quality assurance
As a RIBA chartered practice – unlike other design companies – we have to comply with strict criteria in an accreditation scheme so you can be reassured we will provide a high level of excellence in design and service.

The Architects Registration Board
The Architects Registration Board (ARB) is the statutory body for the registration of architects in the United Kingdom and was established by Parliament to regulate the architects’ profession in the UK. It is an independent, public interest body and works to regulate architects to ensure that good standards within the profession are consistently maintained

LABC Partnership Scheme
a streamlined approach to building regulations.
We are very well regarded by the local planning authorities and have an excellent reputation for gaining a high return of planning approvals as well as a significant rate of success with planning appeals. We are pleased to have been accepted on to Epping Forest District Council’s LABC Partnership Scheme. This means that we have a dedicated point of contact at EFDC who is generally available to give us local and timely advice. This benefits our clients as it can help speed up the building process and any extraordinary issues regarding a project can be resolved early in the design process – thereby avoiding the possible need for expensive corrections to designs later.

Essex wildlife trust
M P Chartered Architects has been a Silver Member of the Essex Wildlife Trust for over 25 years. The location of our office and the majority of our projects are based in Essex. It is important for our architects to ensure our design helps and Protect Wildlife for the Future and for the people of Essex.